推广 热搜: 检测  分析仪器  分析仪  凯氏定氮  低温槽  烘箱  磁力搅拌器  均质器  超低温冰箱  采样器 


品牌: NIST
单价: 面议
起订: 1 g
供货总量: 1000 g
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-03-28 17:09
浏览次数: 259
 C1292 High-Alloy White Cast Iron I (Ni-Hard, Type IV) disk
2096 High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) set
899 Tracealloy C 35 g
2779 Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil 5 x 1.2mL
3160a Thulium (Tm) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
1895 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) each
2886 Polyethylene (Mw, 87 000 g/mol) 0.3 g
1917 Mercury Porosimetry Standard 10 g
3280 Multivitamin/Multielement Tablets 30 tablets x 5 bottles
1945 Organics in Whale Blubber 2x15 g
2720 Sulfur in Di-n-Butyl Sulfide 5 x 4.5 mL
178 0.4C Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel 150 g
1951c Lipids in Frozen Human Serum 4 vials (2 each conc)
4326a Polonium-209 Radioactivity Standard 5 mL
1218 LA Steel, High Silicon disk
2722 Crude Oil (Heavy Sweet) 5X10 mL
1135 LA Steel, High Silicon disk
2093 Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen Self-Verification (ASTM E23) set
2167 LA Steel, G 150 g
188 Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate (pH Standard) 60 g
1710 Aluminum Alloy 3004 disk
4341a Neptunium-237 Radioactivity Standard 5 mL
179 LA Steel, High Silicon 150 g
2831 Vickers Hardness of Ceramics and Hardmetals each
400 Unalloyed Copper - Cu VII 50 g
98b Plastic Clay 60 g
1894a Vickers Microhardness of Copper each
4357 Ocean Sediment Powder 85 g
983 Radiogenic Lead Isotopic Standard 1 g wire
8397 Tissue Engineering Reference Scaffold 1 scaffold
1270 LA Steel, Cr-Mo (A336) (F-22) disk
Sodium Carbonate (191d-II)
C1115 Commercial Bronze A (block) disk
3672 Organic Contaminants in Smokers' Urine (Frozen) 5 x 10 mL
193 Potassium Nitrate 90 g
1459 Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board each
2186II Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 30 g
3103a Arsenic (As) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
892 High-Alloy White Cast Iron (Ni-Hard, Type IV) 150 g
1882a Calcium Aluminate Cement 4x5 g
2430 Scheelite Ore 100 g
33e Nickel Steel 150 g
2690 Coal Fly Ash 3 x 10 g
1416 Aluminosilicate Glass for Liquidus Temperature 250 g
1159 Electronic and Magnetic Alloy Standard disk
622 Soda-Lime-Silica Glass 2.2 kg
123c Stainless Steel, Cr-Ni-Nb (AISI 348) 150 g
82b Nickel-Chromium Cast Iron 150 g
865 Inconel 625 150 g
2619a Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 0.5 % mol/mol) cylinder
3130a Lutetium (Lu) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
4339b Radium-228 Radioactivity Solution 5 mL
981 Common Lead Isotopic Standard 1 g wire
1750 Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer Certified Thermometer each
4239 Strontium-90 Radioactivity Standard Solution 5 mL
107c Cast Iron (Ni-Cr-Mo) 150 g
1494 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 5 x 1.2 mL
1021 Glass ( Particle Size) 4 g
2246 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 830 nm Excitation each
8457 Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene 0.5 cm Cubes 10 cubes x 0.5 cm
1616b Sulfur in Kerosene (Low Level) 100 mL
1478 Polystyrene (Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution) 2 g
1905 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) each
1908 Vickers Microhardness of Nickel each
351a Sodium Carbonate 50 g
2614a Carbon Monoxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 45 µmol/mol) cylinder
2976 Mussel Tissue (Trace Elements & Methylmercury) Freeze-dried 25 g
1241c Aluminum Alloy 5182 disk
880 Nickel Silver (CDA 770) 100 g
2960 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media (Nominal Mass of Cristobalite: 5 ug - 250 ug) 30 filters plus 30 blanks
1484a Linear Polyethylene 0.3 g
965b Glucose in Frozen Human Serum set (8) (2 each conc)
2141 Urea 2 g
13g 0.6% Carbon Steel 150 g
3157a Terbium (Tb) Standard Solution 5x10 ml
2972a 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Calibration Solutions 20 x 1.2 mL
165a Glass Sand 75 g
3167a Yttrium (Y) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
2152 Urea Combustion Calorimetric Standard 25 g
57b Silicon metal 40 g
1115 Commercial Bronze Standard for Optical Emission and X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis disk
1573a Tomato Leaves 50 g
3233 Fortified Breakfast Cereal 60 g each
3151 Silver (Ag) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
1655 Potassium Chloride, KCl (cr) for Solution Calorimetry 30 g
2242 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 532 nm Excitation each
1886b White Portland Cement 5 vials x 5 g
154c Titanium Dioxide 90 g
8542 IAEA-CH-6 Sucrose 1 g
2703 Sediment for Solid Sampling (Small Sample) Analytical Techniques 5 g
2617 Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) cylinder
2745 Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 16 % mol/mol) cylinder
2036 Near Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Reflection Standard each
8480 Secondary Ferrite Number Standard - Low Range 10x12x20
1223 Chromium Steel disk
909c Frozen Human Serum 3 x 2 mL
2896 Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.3 %) 5 x 1.2 mL
3113 Cobalt (Co) Standard Solution 5x10 mL
2092 Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) set
1718 Nitrous Oxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 µmol/mol) cylinder
3950 Vitamin B6 in Frozen Human Serum 2 vials, 1 level each
1713 Aluminum Alloy 5182 disk
1570a Trace Elements in Spinach Leaves 60 g
2818 Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale - High Range (Nominal 91 HR15N) 1 block
8851 Zeolite A 35-40 g
3116a Erbium (Er) Standard Solution 5x10 mL
1259 Aluminum Alloy 7075 disk
2900 Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 95.6%) 5 x 10 mL
2515 Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1595 nm to 1630 nm each
90 Ferrophosphorus 75 g
1216 Carbon Modified Silica 3 x 1g
1090 Oxygen in Ingot Iron rod
656 Silicon Nitride for Quantitative Analysis by Powder Diffraction 2 x 10 g
626 Zinc-base B block
39j Benzoic Acid (Calorimetric Standard) 30 g
1269 Line Pipe (AISI 1526 mod.) disk
87a Silicon-Aluminum Alloy 75 g
2273 Chlorinated Pesticides (DDTs) and metabolites in Isooctane 5x1.2 mL
1483a Linear Polyethylene 0.3 g
C1145a White Cast Iron disk
2392 Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing set (3)
3671 Nicotine metabolites in Human Urine (Frozen) 3 x 10 mL
133b Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 150 g
1907 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) each
1711 Aluminum Alloy 3004 disk
610 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers
3136 Nickel (Ni) Standard Solution 5x10 mL
8395 Tissue Engineering Reference Scaffold 1 scaffold
2684c Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 3 % Sulfur) 50 g
8495 Northern Softwood 10 sheets
3144 Rhodium (Rh) Standard Solution (nominal 1 mg/g) 5x10 mL
8852 Ammonium ZSM-5 Zeolite 35-40 g
3118a Gadolinium (Gd) Standard Solution 5x10 mL
1227 LA Steel, Basic Open Hearth, 1% C disk
3114 Copper (Cu) Standard Solution 50 mL
633a Portland Cement 4 vials x 5 g
2636a Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 250 µmol/mol) cylinder
2696 Silica Fume 70 g
1476a Branched Polyethylene Resin 12 g
631 Spectrographic Zinc Spelter (Modified) block
1361b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) set (5)
634a Portland Cement 100 g
1658a Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 umol/mol) cylinder
8599 Henderson Molybdenite 10 g
8568 USGS34 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 0.9 g
70b Potassium Feldspar 1 bottle x 40g
97b Flint Clay 60 g
4342A Thorium-230 Radioactivity Standard 5 mL
2112 Dynamic Impact Force Verific Specimens (Nominal 24kN) set
2806b Medium Test Dust (MTD) in Hydraulic Fluid 2 x 400mL
4350B River Sediment Environmental Radioactivity Standard 85 g
4356 Ashed Bone (Radioactivity) 15 g
8563 CO2-Light, Petrochemical Origin (Carbon Dioxide) set (2)
3238 Soy-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form 5 x 10 g
2855 Additive Elements in Polyethylene 3 bottles
458 Beryllium-Copper (17510) 50 g
2274 PCB Congener Solution-II in Isooctane 5x1.2 mL
3667 Creatinine in Frozen Human Urine 1 x 10 mL
3162a Titanium (Ti) Standard Solution 50 mL
8k Bessemer Steel (Simulated), 0.1 % Carbon 150 g
1766 Low Alloy Steel disk
2144 m-Chlorobenzoic Acid 2 g
2241 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 785 nm Excitation each
2613a Carbon Monoxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) cylinder
8496 Eucalyptus Hardwood 10 sheets
1957 Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Serum 5 x 10 mL
1884b Portland Cement 5 vials x 4.5 g
2556 Used Auto Catalyst (Pellets) 70 g
346a Valve Steel 150 g
986 Isotopic Standard for Nickel 0.5 g
2299 Sulfur in Gasoline (Reformulated) 5x20 mL
364 LA Steel, High C (mod.) 150 g
696 Bauxite, Surinam 60 g
2483 Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Raw Soot) 250 mg
1597a Complex Mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Coal Tar 1 x 1.3 mL
92 Soda-Lime Glass, Low Boron (Powder) 45 g
2275 Chlorinated Pesticide Solution-II in Isooctane 5x1.2 mL
14g Carbon Steel (AISI 1078) 150 g
2061 TiAl(NbW) Alloy for Microanalysis cube
2260a Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Toluene 5 x 1.2 mL
C1173 Cast Steel 3 disk
2066 K-411 Glass Microspheres 50 mg
1091a Oxygen in Stainless Steel (AISI 431) rod
1768 High-Purity Iron disk
1641e Mercury in Water 10x10 mL
1131 Solder (40Sn - 60Pb) disk
C1251a Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper - Cu VIII block
3108 Cadmium (Cd) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
1107 Naval Brass UNS 46400 disk
956d Electrolytes in Frozen Human Serum 6 x 2.0 mL
4926E Hydrogen-3 Radioactivity Standard 20 mL
1622e Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 2 %) 100 mL
1246 Incoloy® 800 disk
1548a Typical Diet set (2)
C2417 Lead-base Alloy disk
1449 Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board each
1647f Priority Pollutant Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Acetonitrile 5 x 1.3 mL
1980 Positive Electrophoretic (+µE) Mobility Standard 500 mg/L
499 Unalloyed Copper VI (solid) rod
2186I Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate 30 g
1632d Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous) 50 g
331a Copper Ore Mill Tails 40 g
629 Zinc-base E-ASTM AC 41A block
3141a Potassium (K) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
C2416 Bullet Lead disk
1258-I Aluminum Alloy 6011 disk
1974c Organics in Mussel Tissue (Mytilus edulis) 5 jars x 10 g
874 Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) "HIGH-PURITY" 100 g
341 Ductile Cast Iron 150 g
1661a Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) cylinder
967a Creatinine in Frozen Human Serum set(4) (2 each conc)
(Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes in Barium Sulfate)
919b Sodium Chloride (Clinical) 30 g
C2402 Hastelloy7C disk
180 Fluorspar, High Grade 120 g
1775 Refractory Alloy MP-35-N disk
1089 Steels, Set (consists of SRMs 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098 and 1099) 5 rods
2570 Lead Paint Film for Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers - Blank (Color Code: White) 1 film
4226D Nickel-63 Radioactivity Standard 5 mL
2378 Fatty Acids in Frozen Human Serum 3 vials, 1 level each
8447 Perfluorinated Sulfonic Acids in Methanol 3 x 1.2 mL
1819a Sulfur in Lub. base Oil set (5)
2689 Coal Fly Ash 3 x 10 g
855a Aluminum Casting Alloy 356 30 g
2731 Hydrogen Sulfide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) cylinder
69b Bauxite (Arkansas) 60 g
163 Chromium Steel 100 g
3234 Soy Flour 50 g
871 Phosphor Bronze (CDA 521) 100 g
2297 Reformulated Gasoline (Nominal Mass Fraction 10% Ethanol) 2 X 20 mL
2257 PBDE Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 5 x 1.2 mL
1742 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk
1729 Tin Alloy (97 Sn - 3 Pb) disk
3120a Germanium (Ge) Standard Solution 50 mL
984 Rubidium Chloride 0.25 g
C1154a Stainless Steel 19Cr-13Ni disk
1941b Organics in Marine Sediment 50 g
1617b Sulfur in Kerosine (High Level) 100 mL

1256b Aluminum Alloy 380 disk
731L2 Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 10 cm
866 Incoloy 800 100 g
1633c Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash 75 g
1900 Specific Surface Area Standard 4 g
764a Magnetic Susceptibility Standard - Platinum Cylinder 3 mm dia. x 3.42 L
1138a Cast Steel Standard disk
1883a Calcium Aluminate Cement 4x5 g
1479 Polystyrene (Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution) 2 g
1762a Low Alloy Steel disk
1754 Low-Alloy Steel, AISI 4320 rod
8632 Ultra Fine Test Dust (UFTD) 20 g
8506a Moisture in Transformer Oil 5x9.5mL
1411 Soft Borosilicate Glass set (10)
53e Lead-base Bearing metal (84Pb-10Sb-6Sn) 150 g
2171 LA Steel, (HSLA 100) 150 g
3180 Iodide Anion (I-) Standard Solution 5 x 5 mL
8569 USGS35 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 0.9 g
1640a Trace Elements in Natural Water 250 mL
2738 Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 nmol/mol) cylinder
C1285 LA Steel (A242) (mod.) disk
893 Stainless Steel (SAE 405) 150 g
1276a Cupro-Nickel (CDA 715) disk
709 Extra Dense Lead Glass disk
705a Polystyrene (Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution) 5 g
1964 Nominal 60 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres 5 mL
3128 Lead (Pb) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
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