推广 热搜: 检测  分析仪器  分析仪  凯氏定氮  低温槽  烘箱  磁力搅拌器  均质器  超低温冰箱  采样器 


单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-03-28 17:09
浏览次数: 272
12/B623-076 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC74
10/205 Reteplase Reference Material
95/629 Interleukin-90 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/318 Polio Anti Sabin type 101 (inactivated) Serum
10/138 Reteplase Reference Material
13/191 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2069 (Egg derived)
12/B623-068 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC66
01/526 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
01/509 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
01/443 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
07/341 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(68st WHO Reference Reagent)
10/135 Reteplase Reference Material
13/159 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2037 (Egg derived)
95/569 Interleukin-30 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/152 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2030 (Egg derived)
03/104-089 HTLV-74 (antibody) Monitor Sample
03/104-032 HTLV-17 (antibody) Monitor Sample
12/B623-050 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC48
01/499 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
07/333 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(60st WHO Reference Reagent)
10/117 Reteplase Reference Material
13/237 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2115 (Egg derived)
10/183 Reteplase Reference Material
07/374 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(101st WHO Reference Reagent)
07/366 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(93st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/292 Polio Anti Sabin type 75 (inactivated) Serum
10/202 Reteplase Reference Material
01/466 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
95/660 Interleukin-121 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/245 C-Peptide, Human. 100st International Standard.
13/241 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2119 (Egg derived)
12/B623-058 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC56
13/293 Polio Anti Sabin type 76 (inactivated) Serum
95/579 Interleukin-40 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/188 C-Peptide, Human. 43st International Standard.
01/476 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
10/204 Reteplase Reference Material
13/245 Polio Anti Sabin type 28 (inactivated) Serum
12/B623-030 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC28
01/495 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/203 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2081 (Egg derived)
95/654 Interleukin-115 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/271 Polio Anti Sabin type 54 (inactivated) Serum
13/143 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2021 (Egg derived)
13/162 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2040 (Egg derived)
07/296 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(23st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/227 C-Peptide, Human. 82st International Standard.
12/B623-051 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC49
13/235 Polio Anti Sabin type 18 (inactivated) Serum
13/180 C-Peptide, Human. 35st International Standard.
01/491 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
01/474 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
12/B623-006 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC4
01/432 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
10/197 Reteplase Reference Material
07/368 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(95st WHO Reference Reagent)
95/617 Interleukin-78 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/150 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2028 (Egg derived)
13/311 Polio Anti Sabin type 94 (inactivated) Serum
13/240 C-Peptide, Human. 95st International Standard.
03/104-105 HTLV-90 (antibody) Monitor Sample
07/277 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(4st WHO Reference Reagent)
10/150 Reteplase Reference Material
07/300 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(27st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/236 C-Peptide, Human. 91st International Standard.
13/185 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2063 (Egg derived)
12/B623-091 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC89
07/381 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(108st WHO Reference Reagent)
07/346 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(73st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/142 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2020 (Egg derived)
13/166 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2044 (Egg derived)
13/177 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2055 (Egg derived)
10/116 Reteplase Reference Material
12/B623-094 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC92
13/216 C-Peptide, Human. 71st International Standard.
13/219 Polio Anti Sabin type 2 (inactivated) Serum
13/146 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2024 (Egg derived)
01/487 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/269 Polio Anti Sabin type 52 (inactivated) Serum
95/597 Interleukin-58 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/179 C-Peptide, Human. 34st International Standard.
13/149 C-Peptide, Human. 4st International Standard.
13/209 C-Peptide, Human. 64st International Standard.
95/655 Interleukin-116 (Human, rDNA derived)
12/B623-070 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC68
01/477 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
03/104-069 HTLV-54 (antibody) Monitor Sample
03/104-036 HTLV-21 (antibody) Monitor Sample
13/138 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2016 (Egg derived)
13/197 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2075 (Egg derived)
13/247 C-Peptide, Human. 102st International Standard.
12/B623-105 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC103
07/334 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(61st WHO Reference Reagent)
03/104-075 HTLV-60 (antibody) Monitor Sample
01/430 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
03/104-112 HTLV-97 (antibody) Monitor Sample
12/B623-093 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC91
95/653 Interleukin-114 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/149 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2027 (Egg derived)
03/104-031 HTLV-16 (antibody) Monitor Sample
13/211 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2089 (Egg derived)
13/283 Polio Anti Sabin type 66 (inactivated) Serum
12/B623-016 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC14
10/170 Reteplase Reference Material
03/104-085 HTLV-70 (antibody) Monitor Sample
03/104-054 HTLV-39 (antibody) Monitor Sample
03/104-055 HTLV-40 (antibody) Monitor Sample
10/109 Reteplase Reference Material
07/359 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(86st WHO Reference Reagent)
95/564 Interleukin-25 (Human, rDNA derived)
07/301 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(28st WHO Reference Reagent)
03/104-122 HTLV-107 (antibody) Monitor Sample
10/152 Reteplase Reference Material
13/313 Polio Anti Sabin type 96 (inactivated) Serum
01/480 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/301 Polio Anti Sabin type 84 (inactivated) Serum
13/187 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2065 (Egg derived)
01/506 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/304 Polio Anti Sabin type 87 (inactivated) Serum
95/609 Interleukin-70 (Human, rDNA derived)
03/104-021 HTLV-6 (antibody) Monitor Sample
07/310 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(37st WHO Reference Reagent)
07/362 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(89st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/247 Polio Anti Sabin type 30 (inactivated) Serum
01/456 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/179 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2057 (Egg derived)
10/173 Reteplase Reference Material
13/277 Polio Anti Sabin type 60 (inactivated) Serum
07/365 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(92st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/302 Polio Anti Sabin type 85 (inactivated) Serum
01/521 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
95/621 Interleukin-82 (Human, rDNA derived)
01/508 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/244 Polio Anti Sabin type 27 (inactivated) Serum
13/188 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2066 (Egg derived)
01/488 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
10/110 Reteplase Reference Material
10/166 Reteplase Reference Material
95/562 Interleukin-23 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/210 C-Peptide, Human. 65st International Standard.
07/306 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(33st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/155 C-Peptide, Human. 10st International Standard.
07/355 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(82st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/235 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2113 (Egg derived)
10/125 Reteplase Reference Material
12/B623-106 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC104
13/183 C-Peptide, Human. 38st International Standard.
13/296 Polio Anti Sabin type 79 (inactivated) Serum
12/B623-087 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC85
13/161 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2039 (Egg derived)
01/475 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
12/B623-023 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC21
01/510 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/259 Polio Anti Sabin type 42 (inactivated) Serum
12/B623-038 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC36
07/332 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(59st WHO Reference Reagent)
95/646 Interleukin-107 (Human, rDNA derived)
10/191 Reteplase Reference Material
07/284 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(11st WHO Reference Reagent)
12/B623-034 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC32
07/352 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(79st WHO Reference Reagent)
10/165 Reteplase Reference Material
07/373 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(100st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/183 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2061 (Egg derived)
12/B623-036 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC34
10/194 Reteplase Reference Material
10/168 Reteplase Reference Material
07/361 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(88st WHO Reference Reagent)
03/104-050 HTLV-35 (antibody) Monitor Sample
13/197 C-Peptide, Human. 52st International Standard.
03/104-026 HTLV-11 (antibody) Monitor Sample
13/325 Polio Anti Sabin type 108 (inactivated) Serum
10/134 Reteplase Reference Material
10/124 Reteplase Reference Material
03/104-047 HTLV-32 (antibody) Monitor Sample
13/146 C-Peptide, Human. 1st International Standard.
01/518 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
01/512 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
01/470 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
01/490 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/305 Polio Anti Sabin type 88 (inactivated) Serum
01/484 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
10/182 Reteplase Reference Material
07/274 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(1st WHO Reference Reagent)
12/B623-099 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC97
13/147 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2025 (Egg derived)
12/B623-049 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC47
12/B623-048 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC46
13/237 C-Peptide, Human. 92st International Standard.
13/308 Polio Anti Sabin type 91 (inactivated) Serum
03/104-072 HTLV-57 (antibody) Monitor Sample
12/B623-062 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC60
10/104 Reteplase Reference Material
13/286 Polio Anti Sabin type 69 (inactivated) Serum
07/316 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(43st WHO Reference Reagent)
10/146 Reteplase Reference Material
95/615 Interleukin-76 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/251 C-Peptide, Human. 106st International Standard.
10/139 Reteplase Reference Material
12/B623-080 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC78
13/295 Polio Anti Sabin type 78 (inactivated) Serum
10/158 Reteplase Reference Material
95/585 Interleukin-46 (Human, rDNA derived)
01/460 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
10/108 Reteplase Reference Material
13/219 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2097 (Egg derived)
12/B623-033 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC31
01/528 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
12/B623-074 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC72
12/B623-085 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC83
07/370 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(97st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/218 C-Peptide, Human. 73st International Standard.
95/590 Interleukin-51 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/234 Polio Anti Sabin type 17 (inactivated) Serum
03/104-022 HTLV-7 (antibody) Monitor Sample
07/357 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(84st WHO Reference Reagent)
10/148 Reteplase Reference Material
07/319 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(46st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/222 C-Peptide, Human. 77st International Standard.
13/261 Polio Anti Sabin type 44 (inactivated) Serum
03/104-102 HTLV-87 (antibody) Monitor Sample
01/438 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
13/288 Polio Anti Sabin type 71 (inactivated) Serum
03/104-020 HTLV-5 (antibody) Monitor Sample
10/120 Reteplase Reference Material
07/295 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(22st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/222 Polio Anti Sabin type 5 (inactivated) Serum
07/329 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(56st WHO Reference Reagent)
12/B623-008 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC6
95/602 Interleukin-63 (Human, rDNA derived)
03/104-123 HTLV-108 (antibody) Monitor Sample
07/354 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(81st WHO Reference Reagent)
03/104-084 HTLV-69 (antibody) Monitor Sample
95/604 Interleukin-65 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/192 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2070 (Egg derived)
10/187 Reteplase Reference Material
10/112 Reteplase Reference Material
13/323 Polio Anti Sabin type 106 (inactivated) Serum
13/137 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2015 (Egg derived)
01/497 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
95/657 Interleukin-118 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/202 C-Peptide, Human. 57st International Standard.
07/379 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(106st WHO Reference Reagent)
01/493 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
03/104-120 HTLV-105 (antibody) Monitor Sample
13/234 C-Peptide, Human. 89st International Standard.
13/162 C-Peptide, Human. 17st International Standard.
10/155 Reteplase Reference Material
13/204 C-Peptide, Human. 59st International Standard.
01/479 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
01/454 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
10/175 Reteplase Reference Material
10/181 Reteplase Reference Material
13/170 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2048 (Egg derived)
13/239 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2117 (Egg derived)
13/248 C-Peptide, Human. 103st International Standard.
01/494 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide
95/606 Interleukin-67 (Human, rDNA derived)
10/107 Reteplase Reference Material
95/628 Interleukin-89 (Human, rDNA derived)
10/206 Reteplase Reference Material
13/298 Polio Anti Sabin type 81 (inactivated) Serum
95/601 Interleukin-62 (Human, rDNA derived)
07/363 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(90st WHO Reference Reagent)
12/B623-060 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC58
95/575 Interleukin-36 (Human, rDNA derived)
13/214 C-Peptide, Human. 69st International Standard.
07/290 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(17st WHO Reference Reagent)
13/192 C-Peptide, Human. 47st International Standard.
13/285 Polio Anti Sabin type 68 (inactivated) Serum
12/B623-064 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC62
07/375 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(102st WHO Reference Reagent)
12/B623-055 QCRFLUAH1N1QC1-Influenza AH1N1 QC53
13/184 C-Peptide, Human. 39st International Standard.
13/180 Influenza Antigen B/Massachusetts/02/2058 (Egg derived)
13/156 C-Peptide, Human. 11st International Standard.
03/104-019 HTLV-4 (antibody) Monitor Sample
03/104-077 HTLV-62 (antibody) Monitor Sample
10/111 Reteplase Reference Material
07/342 BCG Vaccine of Russian BCG-I sub-strain(69st WHO Reference Reagent)
95/643 Interleukin-104 (Human, rDNA derived)
95/622 Interleukin-83 (Human, rDNA derived)
95/651 Interleukin-112 (Human, rDNA derived)
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