哈氏B-3,哈氏C-276,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔丝网和丝,我公司是进口材料哈氏合金(Hastelloy),锆702和705 (Zirconium702和705),英科乃尔 (Inconel)和蒙乃尔 (Monel)材料经销商。这些特殊材料和设备广泛用于石油,化工,制药,电力等行业. 我公司拥有国外供货商和哈氏合金,锆702 和705,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔成熟制造经验,提供以下产品: 1.丝网和丝:材料:哈氏B-3,哈氏C-276,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔编 织: 平纹编织和斜纹编织。性 能:耐酸、耐高温用 途:用于醋酸,醋肝和其他酸类环境条件下筛分和过滤,电厂高温滤网、制氧滤网。、目数/英寸:30目---200目 2.气液过滤网和除沫器材料:哈氏B-3,哈氏C-276,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔用 途:适用于石油、炼油、化工(醋酸,醋肝和其他酸类环境条件等)工业中的除沫、蒸馏、吸收、蒸发、过滤等工艺过程,消除夹带在蒸汽或气体中的雾滴和液沫产品规格:SP,DP,HR/HP 等 3.波纹填料材料:哈氏B-3,哈氏C-276,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔主要采用40目-80目的金属网,以波纹形式制成的工业填料金属丝网填料是国内外应用比较广泛的高效填料,是由垂直排列的波纹网片组成的盘状规整填料,波纹峰高与塔轴线倾角按45o和30o,分成CY、BX两种型号 填料特点:理论板数高,其理论板数随气相负荷降低很小时也有较高的理论板数。压降低时液量小主要业绩:从1997年起,我公司已为许多著名国外独资,合资,大型国内企业提供哈氏合金,锆702 和705,英科乃尔和蒙乃尔材料,各种形式设备和部件及哈氏合金缠绕垫片等.如BASF,BP,ABB,华能电厂,重庆扬子乙酰化工有限公司(BP)(醋酸厂),上海吴泾醋酸有限公司,镇江索普醋酸有限公司, 华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司(醋酸和醋肝),上海石化,高桥石化,上海焦化有限公司,河南神马氯碱化工股份有限公司和杭州东日玻璃钢有限公司等.
1.Flat mesh and wires We have specialized in manufacturing of wire and wire mesh focusing on special material. special material is wear-proof, heat-resisting, acid-resisting and corrosion resisting. Because of these characteristics, the wire mesh made of special material is extensively used in the fields of petrochemical, chemical, pharmacy, power and many industries a. Material: Hastelloy alloys, Inconel alloys and Monel alloys etc. b. Mesh/Inch: 2―200mesh 2.Mech in towers. We can supply various kinds of standard wire net tower packing and fillers of special material. a. Material: Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B-2/B-3, Inconel alloys and Monel alloys etc. b. Specification. Material: SP,DP,HR/HP etc. 3. Standard metallic packin (1).We can supply various kinds of standard metallic packing such as a. Metallic perforated ripple plate packing, metallic threadlike b.Perforated ripple plated packing, metallic wire net tower packing c. Mesh plate ripple packing, tortoise shell pattern grid (2) They are widely used in separating heat sensitive materials, such as vacuum fraction processes in the petroleum, chemical factory and medicine industries, They can also be used in isotope separation (3) Material: Hastelloy B-2/B-3, Inconel alloys and Monel alloys etc. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at you convenience. Best regards,