取样示波器 Tektronix 11801B/SD-22
厂家: 美国惠普
尺寸: 45x24x60cm
重量: 22.3 kg
主机带宽 DC to 50 GHz
7 ps Rise Time
8 Channels, Expandable to 136 (with SM-11)
10 fs Sampling Interval (0.01 ps)
200 kS/s Sample Rate
双时基 Dual Time Base
Non-volatile Waveform and Setting Storage
Predefined Telecom Masks (Opt. 1T)
Automatic Measurements:
Jitter/Noise, Statistical
Histograms, Mask Testing
Pulse with Statistics
Programmable for ATE Applications
Sampling Heads
SD-22: 12.5 GHz dual-channel low noise head 双通道 低噪声
The SD22 is a dual-channel, 12.5 GHz sampling head specifically designed for low-noise measurement in digital communications and device characterization applications. It provides an acquisition rise time of 28 ps, and typically 450 µVRMS of displayed noise. With smoothing, noise levels are 180 µVRMS.
In order to precisely capture and display the switching characteristics of high-speed communications circuits, to make accurate statistical measurements of signal noise and signal timing jitter, or to obtain stable timing measurements of fast digital ICs, the noise floor of the test equipment must be kept to a minimum. The SD22 is the ideal instrument for these low-noise applications.
Selection Guide
Channels Bandwidth Rise Time Impedance Noise Applications (Typical)
SD14 2 3 GHz (typical) 140 ps 100 kilohm/0.5 pF 0.55 pF Opt. 01 2 mV ECL, CMOS, ACL GaAs Dev. Characterization
SD20 1 20 GHz 17.5 ps 50 Ohm unterm. 750 µV Special TDR, Communications
SD22 2 12.5 GHz 28 ps 50 Ohm 450 µV Communications
SD24 2 20 GHz 17.5 ps 50 Ohm 750 µV TDR/TDT Crosstalk
SD26 2 20 GHz 17.5 ps 50 Ohm 750 µV Device Characterization
SD32 1 50 GHz 7.0 ps 50 Ohm 1.8 mV High Bandwidth Communications & Microwave
SD42 1 6.4 GHz
SD44 1 15 GHz
ORR24 1 2.0 GHz 205 ps 50 Ohm
Optical Reference Receivers (SONET/SDH)