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  • 发布日期:2017-02-28 23:23
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 招商信息区域:全国
  • 浏览次数1554
  • 留言咨询
 2557 Used Auto Catalyst (Monolith) 70 g
2624a Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3 % mol/mol) cylinder
(Nitrogen Isotopes in Gaseous Nitrogen)
1679c Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) cylinder
54d Bearing metal (Tin base) 75 g
2639a Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 % mol/mol) cylinder
30f Cr-V Steel (SAE 6150) 150 g
642 Spectroscopic Titanium-base Standards Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (B) disk
8547 IAEA-N-1 0.4 g
2885 Polyethylene (Mw, 6 280 g/mol) 0.3 g
781D2 Molybdenum - Heat Capacity 10 cm
897 Tracealloy A 35 g
3137 Niobium (Nb) Standard Solution 50 mL
3184 Bromide Anion Standard Solution 5x10 mL
2783 Air Particulate on Filter Media 2 +2 Blnk (47 mm dia)
3247 Ginkgo biloba Extract 5 x 1 g
2201 Sodium Chloride (Ion-Selective) 125 g
3132 Manganese (Mn) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
1764a Low Alloy Steel disk
2139 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 100 g
17f Sucrose Optical Rotation 60 g
3112a Chromium (Cr) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
2821 Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale - High Range (Nominal 79 HR30N) 1 block
648 Titanium-base Alloy 5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Cr-4Mo 50 g
1659a Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 umol/mol) cylinder
2625a Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3.5 % mol/mol) cylinder
2517a High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1510 to 1540 nm Acetylene 12C2H2 each
72g Low Alloy Steel (AISI 4130) 150 g
685r High Purity Gold (Rod) rod 15g
2735 Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 800 µmol/mol) cylinder
2520 Optical Fiber Diameter Standard each
921 Cortisol (Hydrocortisone) 1 g
683 Zinc, metal block
968e Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Cholesterol in Human Serum set (3) (1 each conc.)
2721 Crude Oil (Light -Sour) 5X10 mL
977 Isotopic Standard for Bromine 0.25 g
868 High Temp. Alloy Fe-Ni-Co 100 g
2012 Calibration Standard for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (200 mm Wafer) wafer
1921b IR Transmission Wavelength (Polystyrene Film) 1 card
2820 Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale - Mid Range (Nominal 64 HR30N) 1 block
8445 Spray-Dried Whole Egg for Allergen Detection 5 g
191d pH Standard 1 bottle x25g;1bottlex30g
3185 Nitrate Anion Standard Solution 5 X 10 mL
2569 Lead Paint Films for Children's Products 8 sheets
973 Boric Acid Acidimetric Standard 100 g
C2401 HA Steel (ACI-C-4M-Cu) disk
2701 Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil (High Level) 75 g
1139a Cast Steel Standard disk
181 Lithium Ore (Spodumene) 45 g
c1152a Stainless Steel 18Cr-11Ni disk
1230 High-Temperature Alloy A286 disk
2448 Mercury in Brominated Activated Carbon 25 g
8785 Air Particulate Matter on Filter Media 3 filters
741a Tin Freezing-Point Standard 200 g
2160 LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only 200 g
2088 Density Standard for Medical Computed Tomography five foam blocks
2258 BDE 209 in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 5 x 1.2 mL
2781 Domestic Sludge 40 g
1767 Low Alloy Steel disk
1083 Wear-metals in Lubricating Oil 150 mL
1019b Glass (Particle Size) 200 g
887 Cemented Carbide (W-83,Co-10) 100 g
59a Ferrosilicon 50 g
8096 CMOS MEMS 5-in-1 Test Chip 1 computer chip
2377 Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 5 x 1.2 mL
143d Cystine 2 g
79a Fluorspar 120 g
1909 Vickers Microhardness of Nickel each
2940 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Orange Emission each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
129c LA Steel, High Sulfur (SAE 112) 150 g
994 Isotopic Standard for Gallium 0.25 g
1887b Portland Cement 5 vials x 4 g each
858 Aluminum Alloy 6011 35 g
2432 Titanium-base Alloy 10V - 2Fe - 3Al 50 g
8491 Sugarcane Bagasse Whole Biomass Feedstock 50 g
2380 Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair II 100 mg
99b Soda Feldspar 40 g
1034 Unalloyed Copper rod
2810 Rockwell C Hardness, Low Range each
2658a Oxygen in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 % mol/mol) cylinder
1834 Fused Simulated Ore for X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry disk
3177 Mercuric Chloride Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
1224 LA Steel, Carbon (AISI 1078) disk
2628a Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 µmol/mol) cylinder
8546 NBS28 (Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes in Silica Sand) 0.4 g
2870 Relative Permittivity and Loss Tangent 1422 Cross-linked Polystyrene circular-cylindrical puck
1967a High-Purity Platinum Thermoelement 0.51 x 1 m platinum wire
399 Unalloyed Copper - Cu VI 50 g
1845a Whole Egg Powder 5 pouches x 10 g each
160b Stainless Steel (Cr 18-Ni 12-Mo 2) (AISI 316) 150 g
8540 IAEA-CH-7 (Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes in Polyethylene Foil) 3.5 g
3134 Molybdenum (Mo) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
2133 Phosphorus Implant in Si Depth Profile each
1110 Red Brass B disk
1577c Bovine Liver 20 g
659 Particle Size Distribution Standard for Sedigraph Calibration set (5)
8455 Pyrite Ore Bioleaching Substrate 100 g
2135c Ni/Cr Thin Film Depth Profile each
1363b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) set (5)
8493 Monterey Pine Whole Biomass Feedstock 50 g
2383a Baby Food Composite 4 X 70 g
929a Magnesium Gluconate 5 g
2787 Fine Particulate Matter ( <10 µm) 1 bottle
8820 Scanning Electron Microscope Scale Calibration Artifact each
8562 CO2-Heavy, Paleomarine Origin (Carbon Dioxide) set (2)
1093 Oxygen in Valve Steel rod
2897a Ethanol Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 2%) 5 x 10 mL
3237 Soy Protein Concentrate 5 x 10 g
2893 Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.08 %) 5 x 1.2 mL
3067 Toxaphene in Methanol 5x1.2 mL
2627a Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 5 µmol/mol) cylinder
1880b Portland Cement 4 vials x 5 g
695 Trace Elements in Multi-Nutrient Fertilizer 70 g
1487 Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (6 K Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution) 2 g
1003c Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution 28 g
8396 Tissue Engineering Reference Scaffold 1 scaffold
334 Gray Cast Iron 150 g
1740 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk
2575 Lead Paint Film for Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers - (Color Code: Green) 1 +blank
674b X-Ray Powder Diffraction Intensity Set (Quantitative Powder Diffraction Standard) 10.00 g (powder)
2765 Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 nmol/mol) cylinder
2113 Dynamic Impact Force Verification Specimens (Nominal 33kN) set
1886a Portland Cement (White Portland Cement with Low Iron) 4 vials x 5 g
2192a Sodium Carbonate 30 g
182 Lithium Ore (Petalite) 45 g
1507b THC-COOH in Freeze-Dried Urine set (3)
2723b Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 10 mg/kg) 100 mL
641 Spectroscopic Titanium-base Standards Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (A) disk
8557 NBS127 0.5 g
1662a Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol) cylinder
C1151a Stainless Steel 23Cr-7Ni disk
1584 Priority Pollutant Phenols in Methanol 5 x 1.2 mL
101g Stainless Steel (AISI 304L) 100 g
3163 Tungsten (W) Standard Solution 50 mL
8850 Zeolite Y 35-40 g
2700 Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil (Low Level) 75 g
738 Stainless Steel - Thermal Expansion 51 x 6.4 mm
2000 Calibration Standard for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction 1 block
2587 Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint) 55 g
126c High-Nickel Steel (36 % Ni) 150 g
4l Cast Iron 150 g
8441a Wheat Hardness set (50)
339 17 Chromium-9 Nickel-0.2 Selenium Steel 150 g
3275 Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Fish Oil 3 ea (2 ampoule x 1.2 mL)
1113 Gilding metal disk
3121 Gold (Au) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
C1253a Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper - Cu X block
2172 S-7 Tool Steel 150 g
1650b Diesel Particulate Matter 200 mg
691 Iron Oxide, Reduced 100 g
2445 Mercury in Iodized Activated Carbon 25 g
2366a Cytomegalovirus DNA (TowneΔ147 BAC) for DNA Measurements 1 vial
1450d Thermal Conductivity, Fibrous Glass Board each
3164 Uranium (U) Standard Solution (Radioactive) 5 x 10 mL
482 Gold-Copper Wires for Microprobe Analysis set (6)
2630 Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1500 µmol/mol) each
2944 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Red Emission each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm
2812 Rockwell C Scale Hardness - High Range each
1835 Borate Ore 60 g
690 Iron Ore Canada 100 g
459 Beryllium-Copper (17200) 50 g
8539 NBS22 Oil (Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes in Oil) 1 mL
3532 Calcium-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form 5 x 10 g
3274 Botanical Oils Containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 FattyAcids 4 x 1.2 mL
862 High-Temperature Alloy L 605 100 g
900a Antiepilepsy Drugs in Frozen Human Serum 4 vials
1566b Oyster Tissue 25 g
134a Molybdenum-Tungsten-Chromium-Vanadium Steel 150 g
3133 Mercury (Hg) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
4353A Rocky Flats Soil Number 2 90 g
2647a Propane in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2500 µmol/mol) cylinder
2137 Boron Implant in Silicon Standard for Calibration of Concentration in a Depth Profile each
4340B Plutonium-241 Radioactivity Standard 5 mL
158a Silicon Bronze 150 g
198 Silica Brick 45 g
1173 Ni-Cr-Mo-V Steel disk
1657 Synthetic Refuse-Derived Fuel Combustion Calorimetric Standard 100 g
3250 Serenoa repens (Fruit) 5 x 6 g
8537 SLAP-Water Light Stable Isotopic Standard 20 mL
1755 Nitrogen in Low Alloy Steel disk
360b Zirconium (Sn-Fe-Cr) Alloy 100 g
8420 Electrolytic Iron 0.64 D x 5.0
1111 Red Brass Standard disk
1614 Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD in Isooctane) 6 x 1.2 mL
676a Alumina Powder (Quantitative Analysis Powder Diffraction Standard) 20 g
81a Glass Sand 75 g
1400 Bone Ash 50 g
1694a Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) cylinder
2185 Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate pD Standard 60 g
3149 Selenium (Se) Standard Solution 5 X 10 mL
2819 Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale - Low Range (Nominal 45 HR30N) 1 block
953 Neutron Density Monitor Wire 1 m
8786 Filter Blank for RM 8785 filter
640e Line Position and Line Shape Standard for Powder Diffraction (Silicon Powder) 7.5 g
3074 Phthalates in Methanol 5 x 1.2 mL
8564 CO2-Biogenic, Modern Biomass Origin (Carbon Dioxide) set (2)
670 Rutile Ore 90 g
1961 Polystyrene Spheres 30 µm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres 5 mL
1893 Copper Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) each
125b LA Steel, High Silicon 100 g
2394 Heteroplasmic Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Detection Std set (10)
1112 Gilding metal disk
1243 Ni-Cr-Co Alloy UNS N07001 (disk form) disk
3110 Cerium (Ce) Standard Solution 5x10 mL
185i Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, pH Standard 60 g
106b LA Steel, Cr-Mo-Al (Nitralloy rG) 150 g
914a Creatinine 10 g
615 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers
911c Cholesterol 2 g
2668 Toxic Elements in Frozen Human Urine Set (10) (5 each conc)
368 Carbon Steel (AISI 1211) 150 g
979 Chromium Isotopic Standard 0.25 g
3186 Phosphate Anion Standard Solution 5 X 10 mL
1158 High-Nickel Steel (36% Ni) disk
2571 Lead Paint Film for Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers (Color Code: Yellow) 1 +blank
2719 Calcined Petroleum Coke 50 g
2379 Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair I 100 mg
1950 metabolites in Human Plasma 5 x 1 mL
2682c Subbituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur) 1 bottle x 50 g
6g Cast Iron 150 g
2235 Bismuth for Thermal Analysis 1.5 g
C1291 High-Alloy White Cast Iron (Ni-Hard, Type I) disk
853a Aluminum Alloy 3004 40 g
4966A Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard 5 mL
1546a Meat Homogenate 4 cans x 85 g
2296 Reformulated Gasoline (Nominal Mass Fraction 13 % ETBE) 2 x 20 mL
772a Magnetic Moment Standard - Nickel Sphere each
77a Burnt Refractory (Al203-60%) 75 g
1677c Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 µmol/mol) cylinder
4359 Seaweed Radionuclide Standard 300 g
3131a Magnesium (Mg) Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL
699 Alumina (Reduction Grade) 60 g
2574 Lead Paint Film for Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers - (Color Code: Gold) 1 +blank
875 Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) "DOPED" 100 g
1678c Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) cylinder
4919I Strontium-90 Radioactivity Standard 5 mL
1134 LA Steel, High Silicon disk
8983 Silicon Nitride 4.5 g
8541 USGS24 Graphite 0.8 g
623 Borosilicate Glass 2.2 kg
C1296 Stainless Steel disk
600 Bauxite, Australian-Darling Range 90 g
1075a Aluminum 2-Ethylhexanoate 5 g
627 Spectrographic Zinc-base Die-Casting Alloy C block
886 Refractory Gold Ore 200 g
1848 Lubricating Oil Additive Package 100 g
1549a Whole Milk Powder 5 pouches x 10 g each
1172 Stainless Steel Cr 17-Ni 11-Nb 0.6 (AISI 348) disk
2581 Powdered Paint Nominal 0.5 % Lead 35 g
693 Iron Ore (Nimba) 100 g
1265a Electrolytic Iron disk
2031b metal-on-Fused-Silica Neutral Density Filters (250nm-635nm) set (3)



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